A 60year old male agricultural worker by occupation resident of gudivada (Nalgonda)came to hospital with complaints of swelling on upper and lower limbs ,face since 1 week

Hi, I am Pooja Jammula  , 6th  Sem Medical Student.This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

A 60year old male agricultural worker by occupation resident of gudivada (Nalgonda)came to hospital with complaints of swelling on upper and lower limbs ,face since 1 week

Chief complaints

Patient complaints of swelling in limbs and face since 1 week

History of presenting illness

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back

  •  He then developed swelling of body -upper limbs,lower limbs and face
  • Pitting type, insidious onset and gradually progressive
  • Complaint of chest pain,palpitation and decreased urine output
  • SOB
  • Ulcer over sacral region

History of past illness

Not a known case of

  •  Diabetes 
  • Hypertension
  • Epilepsy
  • Asthma
  • Tuberculosis

No history of trauma in the past

Personal history

  • Sleep:adequate 
  • Diet: mixed
  • Bowel and bladder movements: normal
  • Addictions: 
  • Alcohol since 25yrs regular drinker quarter
  • Cigarettes since 25 years 2-3 chutta per day
  • No allergies

Family history 

No significant family history

General examination

  • Patient was conscious coherent well and oriented to time space and person 
  • Patient was examined in a well ventilated room after taking his consent
  • Moderately built and well nourished
  • No pallor
  • No icterus
  • No cyanosis
  • No lymphadenopathy
  • No pedal oedema
  • No clubbing of fingers


  • Temperature:afebrile
  • Pulse:84 beats per minute
  • Bp:160/80mm Hg
  • Respiratory movements: 18cycles                                         minute


Cardiovascular system 

  • No thrills 
  • No cardiac murmurs
  • Cardiac sounds: S1 and S2

Respiratory system

  • dyspnea absent 
  • No wheezing
  • No Vesicular breath sounds .
  • Position of trachea - central


  • Abdomen is scaphoid
  • No tenderness
  • No Palpable mass 
  • Bowel sounds anew present 
  • No bruits
  • No free fluids

Central nervous system

Patient was conscious and coherent well oriented to time, space and person

  • Speech is normal 
  • Cranial nerves normal 
  • Motor system normal 
  • Sensory system normal 
  • Glasgow scale normal 


                                      Right.                       Left 

Biceps                             ++                           ++ 

Triceps                            ++                            ++

Supinator                        ++                             ++

Knee                                ++                             ++

Ankle                             ++                               ++


finger nose in coordination 

Knee heal in coordination 




Heamogram,ECG,RFT,LFT,USG abdomen

Diagnosis:Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

Grade 2 bed sores

Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to alcohol

Acute kidney injury secondary to chronic kidney disease


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